PacificRack 跑路,3月4号删除数据,不办理退款,PayPal和支付宝付款的用户建议走争议

今天美国廉价 VPS 主机商 PacificRack,简称 pr跑路,发布公告宣告关门,要求用户在3月4号之前赶紧备份数据,将于3月4号终止服务,未提及退款事宜,并且很多 AFFman 的推广佣金都没有处理;在使用 PacificRack 服务的用户, PayPal 付款的用户建议走争议处理;支付宝付款的用户也可以投诉处理,曾经有的用户支付宝投诉某些商家成功退款。

PacificRack 跑路,3月4号删除数据,不办理退款,PayPal和支付宝付款的用户建议走争议便宜vps主机格调

PacificRack 还推荐用户迁移到另一个主机商 Digital Servers,就凭 PacificRack 的信誉,推荐的 Digital Servers 不知道水准怎么样?这个时间非常仓促,要知道也有很多人在使用 PacificRack 的服务,基本都是中国用户,果真国人用户在这帮香蕉人商家眼里,狗都不如。

2022年 PacificRack 脱离美国 QN 机房,单独作为独立实体运营,应该跟 QN 只有纯商业关系了。

PacificRack 中文公告

重要通知: 关闭托管服务


经过慎重考虑和评估,我们很遗憾地通知您,我们将于 2024 年 3 月 4 日关闭托管服务。这个决定不是轻易做出的,但我们认为这是目前最合适的做法。


  • 1.) 服务终止日期: 我们的托管服务将于 2024 年 3 月 4 日正式终止。请确保在此日期前备份您在我们这里托管的任何数据或文件。
  • 2.) 寻找新的托管服务提供商: 我们建议您尽快寻找新的托管服务提供商。
  • 3.) 如果您需要替代解决方案,可以选择联系 Digital Servers。
  • 4.)如果你有兴趣的话,请访问他们的网站。


PacificRack 英文公告

Important Notice: Closure of Hosting Services

We are reaching out to you today with some important news regarding our hosting services.

After careful consideration and evaluation of our business operations, we regret to inform you that we will be shutting down our hosting services effective March 4th, 2024. This decision was not made lightly, but we believe it is the most appropriate course of action at this time.

What you need to know:

  • 1.) Service Termination Date: Our hosting services will officially cease on March 4th, 2024. Please make sure to back up any data or files you have hosted with us before this date.
  • 2.) Find a New Hosting Provider: We recommend that you find a new hosting provider as soon as possible.
  • 3.) If you need an alternative solution, an option would be to reach out to Digital Servers.
  • 4.)If you are interested in exploring options with this organization, please visit their website at
  • 5.)Create a login to view pricing and configurations options for VPS’s and dedicated servers.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this transition period. We sincerely appreciate your business and support over the years. Sincerely, PacificRack

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