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搬瓦工 DC2 QNET 机房改名为 DC2 AO 机房,提供亚洲优化线路,明年预计接入 CN2GIA/ 1Gbps 升到 2.5Gbps

这两天搬瓦工 DC2 QNET 机房改名为 DC2 AO 机房,其中 AO 的意思就是 Asia Optimized,也就是亚洲优化线路,不是中国优化线路,搬瓦工官方提到以后会接入 CN2 GIA 线路,不过目前不做保证。

搬瓦工 DC2 AO 机房介绍

搬瓦工官方因为 Quadranet 机房经常停电,所以新增 Coresite 机房,将 DC2、DC3 两个机房的 VPS 迁移到新机房;新机房将免费端口从 1Gbps 升级到 2.5Gbps、改善中国与美国间的连接质量,还计划在明年一月CN2GIA,并且该机房在电力保障上记录非常好。

搬瓦工 DC2 QNET 机房改名邮件全文


Thank you for reaching out.

As you may recall from our prior communications, we’ve been working on establishing a new location in Los Angeles to move all our equipment from Quadranet. This was due to ongoing power outages which were affecting many of our customers, and Quadranet’s inability to resolve the situation.

Our new location, the Coresite LA2 datacenter, became operational a few weeks ago. We will be migrating customers to the new location over the next few months and we plan to finish by the end of December 2023.

This migration will bring significant upgrades at no additional cost to all our customers:

1) A free network port upgrade from 1G to 2.5G
2) A new, entirely redundant network design
3) 10G private network connectivity (compared to 1G we had at Quadranet)
4) Additional peering partnerships for improved domestic (U.S.) and China connectivity
5) A nearly flawless track record of this datacenter when it comes to power and AC, compared to Quadranet

Additionally, we’ve established redundant fiber links to the Quadranet datacenter, so that there is no routing change for our China-based customers within USCA_3 datacenter. We are currently turning up additional direct peering with China-based carriers, for even better connectivity, and by January 2024 we plan to add CN2 GIA connectivity to this mix (to serve select/most congested routes).

At this time, all customers manually migrating into USCA_2 and USCA_3 datacenters will end up in Coresite LA2. This is why we renamed the corresponding entries in the KiwiVM control panel.

We hope this provides clarity on these latest changes.
