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搬瓦工洛杉矶 CN2 GIA-E 限量版 VPS补货,三网强制CN2 GIA-E线路,1Gbps带宽,优惠后年付仅84.07美元,可选DC6/DC9/软银

搬瓦工 CN2 GIA-E 新款限量版方案今天补,这次价格从年付99.99美元降到89.99美元,适用搬瓦工优惠码后仅需84.07美元,下单可选 DC6 CN2 GIA-E、DC9 CN2 GIA、日本软银三个机房,可以迁移到其他机房。

之前本站对搬瓦工发起PayPal争端,主要是针对软银套餐升级到CN2GIA-E套餐,升级后却无法迁移到DC6机房,原因是IP的一个端口无法ping通,但是网站却可以访问。很有可能日本软银绑定的IP可能有问题,忍无可忍提起PayPal争端,最后获胜。 想要了解相关问题,请移步:搬瓦工日本软银限量版方案谨慎升级到其他套餐 避免无法迁移机房。



搬瓦工洛杉矶DC6 CN2 GIA-E 限量版

CN2GIA-E 限量版




I am aware that if I use Bandwagon Host service for any activity which is considered illegal in China (for example, building v2ray, shadowsocks, trojan, clash proxy or VPN and/or other activities), the IP address of such service may be banned in China (by so-called "GFW").

I am aware that if my service IP becomes banned, I am no longer entitled to the 30-day refund policy.

Bandwagon Host may allow IP address replacements which can be requested via support desk. As of the moment this document was created, IP replacement is available for $8.79 fee. The price and availability of this optional service may change without notice.

Q: Does this apply only to this plan or other plans offered?
A: This applies equally to all services Bandwagon Host offers. However, we noticed that this specific plan is often used for activities mentioned above, therefore, we found it would be appropriate to display this reminder.

Q: Are there other options for dealing with a banned IP?
A: Besides IP replacement for a fee, you may want to wait for the ban to be cleared. This can take anywhere between few days to few months. Note that you will not be able to migrate a service to another datacenter while IP is banned by GFW. Also, you will not be able to request a refund. Therefore, the viability of the waiting approach is questionable, but nonetheless we thought we should mention it.

This page does not replace our Terms of Service.


我注意到如果使用搬瓦工服务进行任何在中国被认为是非法的活动,例如创建v2ray、shadowsocks、trojan、clash proxy、VPN及其他活动,该服务的IP地址可能在中国被禁止(所谓的 "GFW")。



答:同样适用于搬瓦工提供的所有服务。但是,我们注意到CN2 GIA-E 限量版经常被用于上述非法活动,因此,我们认为这个提醒是合适的。


